Modern Executor Coaching

Modern Executor Coaching

30 minutes

The Importance of Inheritance and Legacy

Inheritance and legacy are significant elements of family dynamics, bridging the generations and shaping future ones. When investigating our family histories, it's crucial to approach and discuss this topic thoughtfully, as the outcome will impact future generations.

To support my clients, I have integrated Modern Executor Coaching into the services offered by Family Branch and Root. My mission is to replace the modern-day complexities that cause confusion, frustration, and overwhelm with clarity, compassion, and confidence even before a loved one passes away. Here's my story:

After decades as an estate accountant observing the chaos and conflict of probate, I realized something needed to be done. Conventional testators often choose a family member as an executor without considering potential conflicts, and executors are often unprepared for their roles and responsibilities. Questions like "What can be done?" and "How can these inefficiencies be addressed?" swirled in my mind.

Adapting to Modern Challenges

We live in a different world than 50 years ago. The Internet and technology have profoundly changed our lives, introducing digital communication and assets unimagined when probate laws were established. Executors today face the unprecedented challenge of managing both tangible and intangible assets.

Furthermore, the values, goals, and lifestyles of new generations differ significantly from those of their parents and grandparents. Such differences often lead to changes in attitude and expectation regarding inheritance, sometimes resulting in litigation and family estrangement.

Addressing Key Questions

Here are some critical questions to consider:

  • How does an Executor mitigate difficult situations?
  • What occurs when an appointed Executor is unaware of their appointment?
  • What happens if the appointed Executor refuses the responsibilities of the position?
  • How does an Executor manage their duties with other commitments such as a full-time job or caregiving responsibilities?
  • Should a beneficiary serve as an Executor, and would this increase the possibility of family conflict?

Our Mission

I sought answers to these questions and became both a Certified Executor Advisor and a Certified Personal Fiduciary. With these certifications, I added Modern Executor Coaching to Family Branch and Root. After all, inheritance and legacy are crucial to family dynamics and play a pivotal role in connecting generations.

Our mission is to advise and educate clients to make informed decisions. We are not attorneys or a legal service and do not intend to replace or interfere with estate administration team members. Instead, we focus on guiding through the personal, emotional aspects of preparing an estate for eventual administration and closure.

Key Focus Areas

  • The importance of having a Will.
  • Selecting an appropriate Executor.
  • Preplanning estate administration.
  • Understanding the probate process.
  • Recognizing the impact this major life event has on family, friends, and business associates.

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